Hey Moms! One of our biggest struggles is how to take care of ourselves while taking care of our kids, so today we’re talking to fitness and lifestyle mompreneur Sara Haley on how we can stay fit, healthy and happy as parents. She has a lot of wise advice from her experiences in the mommy trenches… read on to learn seven easy ways you can improve your life, every day.
1. Get outside! The weather can have a huge effect on your health and happiness. Even when it’s not so nice, I still encourage you to get outside whenever you can. The fresh air wakes you up and when the sun is out, it can’t help but put you in a better mood. Walk wherever you can, with or without the kids, and maybe even turn it into a workout! (P.S. If you’re looking for some workout inspiration, check out my free 10 Day Upper Body Blast workout at UpperBodyBlast.com.)
2. Keep your Bag of Health stocked! If you don’t have one, you need to keep one with you always, so you don’t give in to bad habits just because you weren’t prepared. I keep mine packed by the front door, or just leave it in my car.
My Bag of Health is always stocked with:
1) water
2) a lock (in case I make it to the gym)
3) fiber and/or protein bars
4) an extra bag to help keep it green with any last minute shopping
5) My Skechers (Flex Appeal – Obvious Choice is my favorite), leggings, a sports bra and top
Having these things on me at all times helps keep me healthy by keeping me hydrated, avoiding evil cravings, and giving me a chance to get a last-minute workout. Add anything that will save you from your normal excuses!
3. Hydrate! I always make sure that both my kids and I stay hydrated. My number one health tip for everyone, but especially moms and moms-to-be, is that when you think you are hungry, you are more than likely just dehydrated, so drink H20 as often as you can! Keep a water bottle on you at all times (like in your Bag of Health).
4. Start cleaning – housework counts! Did you know that 30 minutes of vacuuming burns 119 calories and 30 minutes of washing your floor burns 187 calories? Seriously, if you can’t fit in a traditional workout, than start cleaning! I just slip on my Skechers Stretch Fit: Glider – Deep Space shoes (no laces required), pull out my favorite vacuum and start burning some calories and clearing my mind. There’s nothing that makes me feel better than sitting down in a tidied up, crumb-free room. (Did I really just say that? LOL #momlife)
5. Laugh and smile as often as possible. Smiling is contagious. When you’re having a “mom moment” or better yet, when your kids are having a “kid moment,” SMILE or make them laugh! Tickling is a guaranteed path to laughter at my house. The sound of children’s laughter, especially my own boys’, is music to my ears. It makes me feel like I’m doing my job right. Remember, staying healthy isn’t just about the food we eat and the way we move our bodies, but about how we feel too.
6. Do nothing. What? Yeah, right! Trust me, I know the feeling. When my oldest is at preschool and my youngest is down for a nap, I immediately get cleaning, start writing, make a phone call, check social media, the list goes on and on. But I’m encouraging you, as well as reminding myself, to take five minutes (or even more) and just sit, breathe, and have a moment to tell yourself “Good job, Mama.”
7. Bonus Tip: Let it go! Fellow mamas will understand this one: I was trying to get a pic of me and my boys in our Skechers, but the timing was horrible. Landon (my oldest) had just come home from school and was clearly exhausted and not into it. I thought about it and said to myself, “Sara, just let it go. It’s not that important.” And let’s be honest, in the scheme of things it wasn’t. So for your mental health, and for your kids, pick your battles and choose sometimes to Let It Go!
Thanks for listening! I hope these tips will help you in your quest to be a fit, healthy, and happy mom.
Sara Haley is an active mom of two and creator of the Expecting MORE workout series for moms and moms-to-be. Check out her workout programs at SaraHaley.com/shop and chat with her on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat or Periscope @sarahaleyfit.
Filed under: Life & Style, Women Tagged: Blog Takeover